Ignorance Is Bliss
Ignorance is Bliss.
Because it is.
We walk through life with blinders over our eyes. We see only as far as we are able to see and we don’t know what we don’t know. It’s the opposite of knowing the truth. It’s almost like not being able to fathom the thought of something being “wrong” or “atypical” in your family or within yourself. It’s that idea that everything is “normal” and nothing can possibly be wrong because “I’m functioning” and things only happen to “those” people. So, you continue to not notice, ignore, unsee any red flags or warning signs and go about your life without any sense of self awareness. Personal growth is stunted, but you wouldn’t know that…would you?
This is the fundamental undertone of what it means to be blissfully ignorant
When I entered my graduate program, I began to realize the existence of my blinders. I learned that I had no awareness or knowledge about the symptoms of anxiety I carried, the feelings I felt, and I didn’t even know the trauma I experienced was trauma to begin with.
I was like the typical client I meet with weekly. Where life has been “good”, family was “normal”, I was a participating member of society with friends and I was close to my family. I was seemingly happy while accomplishing my goals, I was physically active, I had a boyfriend at the time, I was outgoing, and “normal” …what can possibly be wrong??
Little did I know that I had experienced generational trauma, anxiety symptoms were a part of my daily life, I lacked coping skills, I couldn’t identify unhealthy/healthy boundaries even if it hit me in the face, I couldn’t distinguish between healthy relationships and unhealthy, and I didn’t realize substance abuse was a thing in my family system.
Which brings me to today. Ignorance is Bliss initially started out as my Instagram page with the intention that someone would visit my page and leave with some type of shift in their blinders. No matter big or small of a shift, all that mattered to me was that I got you thinking and questioning.
Because it isn’t until then that insight and growth begin.
Now Ignorance is Bliss is transitioning into my first blog, ever! My intention here is to continue to get readers who are open to change, shifting their blinders, and to begin thinking. I want to continue to educate, encourage, and inspire others to build insight, understand their past, and move forward in a healthy manner.
So join me in this journey! My blog will feature education on mental health, coping skills, and some of my personal experiences.